“Powerpoint slides are like children: no matter how ugly they are, you’ll think they’re beautiful if they’re yours” — Scott Adams, author of the comic strip “Dilbert”. Due to this cause or another, it’s a huge stress to look at most Powerpoint slides. Depending on the “design” skills of the speaker and audience’s taste slides create different emotions from a slight annoyance to physical sickness. But that is not the worst thing. The worst thing is that instead of improving the presentation such slides confuse the audience, distract it and finally oblige the speaker to explain them rather than being quite self-explanatory. The goal of this course is to change that by equipping learners with a set of tools to create simple, clear and aesthetic slides which improve the presentation of the speaker. The course covers universal design principles, templates, colors, typefaces, slides’ typography, use of photos and pictograms, composition rules and ways to create clear and meaningful charts and diagrams. This course is not a PowerPoint fundamentals course. You should have a basic knowledge of either Microsoft PowerPoint or Apple Keynote software. Don’t meddle, make your slides matter.
    Brand New Videos added in Aug 2021! Over 245,000 people from 194 countries enrolled in Jimmy's courses Overall, 39,000+ TOP Reviews! Featured in Entrepreneur, Forbes, FoxNews, and Business Insider magazines former Goldman Sachs and Allianz employee turned location independent entrepreneur Winner of the first Udemy Innovation Award Top-rated Speaker at prestigious stages such as DNX , MindvalleyU and Digital|K Explored 76 countries while running entrepreneurial ventures What current students say about this course? "Jimmy courses are great and this one is not an exception. I put in practice many of his tips and I have to admit they really work. Thanks a lot" - Daniel Madrid Sanchez "This course gives you a better understanding why body language is so important. It's a great course. Thank you" - Bobbie Smith "After taking this course I would definitely apply these tips and tricks. Definitely enjoyed the course. Love the instructor, and his method of teaching. MUST TAKE COURSE" - Muhammad Sami Ullah "Clear and light" - Duran Kutlu _______________________________________ so... why an entire course about Body Language? We often hear the statement: "don't judge the book by its cover." However, we all do it whether we like it or not. When you meet someone for the first time your brain makes a snap judgment about that person. However, it also works the opposite way. People will assess you before you even utter a single sentence, whether you want it or not. This is why understanding non-verbal communication is so crucial. When you know how body language works you can interpret how other people feel and what are their real intentions just by observing them. This is a powerful skill to have not just in your personal, but also in your business life. Most importantly your body language has a tremendous impact on your level of confidence, charisma, and positive energy. Unfortunately, most people unintentionally put themselves in a negative, disempowered state. What they don't realize is that they can dramatically boost their level of confidence by making very simple changes in their nonverbal communication. This is what we will focus on in this course. I will show you exactly what you can do with your body language in order to feel like a winner. The amazing thing about learning confident nonverbal communication is that the first results are visible instantaneously. This only propels further action and creates a positive spiral of never-ending improvement. Here are some of the things you are about to learn: Why body language is so important How To Feel More COMFORTABLE in Your Body When You Are Stressed Body Language in the times of Covid19 How your posture impacts your confidence How To Double Your Confidence in Seconds? Everything you need to know about confident EYE-CONTACT How To Handle a Group of People like a True Leader How To Be a Better Listener Understand different types of handshakes How To Use Mirroring Principle to Instantly Connect with People "Out of the box" Trick for Increasing Your Level of Energy BONUS: how to stay positive in the times of Covid19 This body language course has been consistently rated as one of the best body language courses available in the world. It has received the official "BESTSELLER" Udemy badge and has received almost 3000 top reviews, primarily from professionals and business people. If you want to develop confident body language not just in your personal life, but also in business, this course is for you.
      Let me ask you a question… Which of your employees are making life challenging for the rest of the department? Challenging attitudes (apathy, negativity and despondency) exist in every boardroom, audience and classroom. The discontent can become a major distraction for your team, causing a dramatic decrease in their productivity. Difficult people can negatively impact team performance and morale… Problematic employee behavior is doubly difficult because it may have multiple causes... These causes may be work or home related, behavior- or health-related, may be triggered by other employees or outsiders, by changes of work, others' promotion, rising stress levels, etc. Managers need to understand that a negative employee is not just a problem between them and that employee. The air of dissent affects everyone who’s around it. Even though dealing with challenging people isn’t a favorite task for most leaders, it’s part of the job . So, to help you deal with these challenges (and the people behind them), we created Serenity… Serenity: 24 Hours to Peace: How to Handle Challenging People How does it work? Serenity contains 57 PROVEN techniques from 20 different case studies to help you manage the 8 most difficult types of people you will encounter in the workplace…. Resenters Fault Finders Hecklers Experts Talk Hogs Know-it-Alls Distracted Inefficients Stubborn Passivists With case studies 1 – 7 , you will learn how to stop interruptions, eliminate distractions, and stay on track. Specifically, with studies 1 – 7 … Deal with distractions and interruptions by keeping the talk hogs at bay by setting boundaries… Get the experts on your side by giving them the spotlight with expert questions, leadership opportunities and 1-on-1 time… Simmer down the know-it-alls by separating them from the experts and non-verbally making them feel cared about… Use the 1 sentence intervention to handle any type of disruptive behavior and get people back on track… With case studies 8 – 17 , you will learn how to handle negativity and maintain a positive working and learning environment. Specifically, with studies 8 – 17 … Handle negative people by offering choices and using logical consequences to sidestep the power struggles… Handle the fault finders and their tough issues by listening to them, establishing ground rules and handing it back to them… Shut down hecklers and control anger and anxiety and then motivate your employees to listen and perform… Placate resenters by re-establishing the relationship and showing that you care… With case studies 18 – 20 , you will learn how to manage inattention and motivate your employees and learners to listen and perform. Specifically, with studies 18 – 20 … Stimulate inattentive people with encouragement, arrange small successes, hook their goals and use “I noticed…” statements… Boost productivity by stimulating stubborn passivity… Meet the needs of others by engaging the distracted inefficient … Reduce interruptions by managing late arrivers… And much, much more … If you haven’t experienced this before, it’s an amazing feeling…to  handle challenging people with strategies capable of actually changing people’s behavior. Instead of disinterested or disgruntled attitudes that can quickly derail a presentation, meeting, or classroom…’ll have the 57 techniques and 20 case studies to manage the 8 most difficult types of employees you have … With a proven system to handle challenging people. So that even with challenging people in the room… You’ll be able to make a good impression quickly, and lay a foundation for them to look at you as a leader….to feel engaged, not steamrollered… We know this process works, because it’s the same system that helped hundreds of business leaders to more peace and serenity in their work environment. Here’s what a few of them had to say after the program… "The course was really inspiring to me to get a lot of ideas for handling different situations that come up in the classroom. And, Jason Teteak did it in such a way that it was quick hits and fast and ways for us through case studies, examples, everything we see in our day-to-day classrooms, we got these great ideas and at the end of two hours I had no idea that I would come out with 57 new techniques for handling a difficult classroom." Kathy -- Instructional Design Manager "They'll get a lot of techniques, that's one of the things I loved about this, we were only here two hours, but we have things we can use immediately. Immediate takeaways that we can take back and use in a large classroom, a small classroom. It's not something your going to have to go home and study, you've got things right away in your toolbox to use immediately." Starla -- Education Specialist "Even if you feel like you're the most experienced trainer, you need to come to this serenity session, because you are going to be able to handle your classroom in a totally different way than you were able to before." Elisha -- Manager of Blended Learning Personally, I wouldn’t attempt to handle challenging people without having a proven, step-by-step recipe to follow… …and you’ll get to see me model exactly how to do each of them with a real live audience based on case studies with real challenging people. Brendon Burchard said, “Challenge is the pathway to engagement and progress in our lives. But not all challenges are created equal. Some challenges make us feel alive, engaged, connected, and fulfilled. Others simply overwhelm us. Knowing the difference as you set bigger and bolder challenges for yourself is critical to your sanity, success, and satisfaction.” - Brendon Burchard That’s the problem for most people with disinterested or disgruntled attitudes and people in their workplace… ...because not all challenges are created equal, they don’t have the tactics to sidestep or diffuse the struggles they cause. At Rule the Room Public Speaking, we have an advantage over everyone else… We put in 10,000 hours researching these attitudes of challenging  people in the boardroom, audience and classroom and developing tactics to sidestep or diffuse the struggles they cause. As managers, leaders, trainers and speakers, ourselves, we actually do this stuff!  You’ll get to see me MODEL everything we suggest you do. Once you learn these techniques you will wonder how you ever survived without them… And you can do it all today, by getting access to Serenity… Click the button to get serenity (24 hours to peace) TODAY… And like all our Rule the Room trainings, this one is protected by our 30-day, no-questions-asked guarantee…so if you aren’t happy for any reason, just let us know and we’ll give you your money back…no questions asked. Instead of trying to research and learn all of these techniques on your own…wasting your time, patience, and valuable resources trying to figure out how this process works… You can simply follow our PROVEN 57-technique system to handle the 8 most challenging types of people to start seeing results almost instantly! See you inside. About Your Instructor Jason Teteak is the Founder and CEO of Rule the Room Train the Trainer. Jason first made a reputation in the medical training industry, where he was known as “the Epic trainer of trainers.” In response to many requests, he began to offer personalized services and quickly developed a following as a private training coach and training consultant whose clientele includes elite institutions, universities, and top corporations. In 20 years of working as a trainer and a trainer coach, he has helped more than 15,000 training professionals to “Rule the Room” and has appeared before more than 200,000 people. He’s won praise and a wide following for his original methods, his engaging style, and his knack for transferring training skills via practical, simple, universal and immediately actionable techniques. Or as he puts it “No theoretical fluff”. He founded Rule the Room Train the Trainer with a mission to DOUBLE the impact of 10,000 training professionals in the next 5 years. The Rule the Room Train the Trainer team, under Jason’s management, has flipped the model and changed the approach to great training and instruction for even the most seasoned veterans.
        In this course, you will learn how to use strategic marketing and personal branding techniques for designing, enhancing, and promoting your professional image. Acting as "your own Chief Executive Officer" (P. Drucker), you will learn how to use relationship and network marketing and impression management to showcase your skills to prospective employers, colleagues, supervisors, and other interested parties. This course will help you to: - Recognize the importance of marketing orientation and career brand building for your career development; use marketing communication strategies for your self-marketing; - Implement strategic marketing planning for your career development and engage in creating your own strategic self-marketing plan; - Devise strategies for managing your professional reputation; begin creating your personal brand, and plan steps for strategic personal branding; - Create personal branding statements, and integrate social networking into your career branding; - Refine your self-management information system to systematically collect and analyze self-marketing and personal branding related data, select appropriate tools and apply them for a thorough, accurate, evidence-based and data driven self-assessment of your self-marketing and personal branding skills; - Develop and implement an effective instrument for displaying your artifacts and monitoring your marketing communications strategies ("The Showcaser") and a realistic performance metric for evaluating your career brand building activities ("The Career Brand Equity Builder").
          Hey, Thank you for considering this course. I have kept this one in the highest pricing tier because only the right students can attract this course. My name is Sudhir Khollam, Owner of 6 Businesses, currently making around 20 Lac Rs. a month (Around 25000 dollars a month) and the target is Rs. 1 Crore a Month (Around 125,000 Dollars a month) within the next three years. Have seen the other side as well. 3.5 Years back lost Rs. 1 Crore of my Parents Money in haste and hurry, caused emotional tensions at home and to myself as well. Followed by Health and Relationship challenges. Since then, its been quite a turnaround story. Today I am coaching thousands of students every month on how they can immediately improve their money situation. I have identified 18 stories, which will add amazing insights to you, give you realisations and a path. Plus, I invited my Guru, Murali Sundaram to contribute 3 more stories from his life, and he happily obliged. In this course you will find 21 stories which will help you change your way of being in a way that money will start loving you more and more and will be besides you for the rest of your life! Go On then, register and start attracting a lot more of money! Regards Sudhir Khollam Prosperity Coach
            In this course, you will find the many reasons why some African-American men have not escaped poverty. According to CNN Money, about 30% of African-American men are below the poverty line. Even worse, the number of black people owning homes and businesses has declined slowly since 2012. What are African-Americans doing to keep their race alive and to show that their lives truly matter? I created this course to help individuals of color and other minority groups escape the cycle of poverty. Specifically, you will find: 7 actionable steps to help an African-American man escape poverty Additional resources and links to books written by very successful people who were not raised in a rich family Several key advice black men should follow in order to avoid making the same mistakes over and over again. A word of prayer: each chapter ends with a small prayer to uplift the faith of many black folks and other minority groups who are struggling financially. The need to share my message discussed in this course to young adults who need help making good financial decisions. Lastly, I hope you will truly enjoy this course. If you follow ALL the seven parts discussed in this course, then I guarantee that you will see some levels of financial success very soon. BONUS : Anyone who purchases my course will get a free e-book version (pdf format) of the course from me!  Please enroll right away:) –Any questions? Email me: [email protected] (subject headline: “Black men with Poverty”; I’ll respond within 24 hrs.)   I want you to understand that with God, all things are possible. He created you for a purpose! Good luck browsing through this course and I wish you all the best :)
              This is an introductory course into the world of financial decision making and financial literacy. Anyone can take course, but the target students are teens and high school students. Ideally you will take this course before graduating from high school. The course was created to help prepare teens and high schoolers for adult life which will require a foundational knowledge of finances and skills in financial decision making. This course can also be beneficial for immigrants or students coming the the USA.
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                The Intermediate level of the Professional Development pathway has been divided into two sections: It covers the following practical chapters and is filled with all the kinds of detail that will help you achieve success in obtaining the job you want. - The essential elements to develop yourself, e.g., Decision-Making and Assertiveness, Time Management, Dealing with Change and Conflict resolution. - Essential employability factors e.g. Health and Safety, Information Security and Risk Management. This program is a great start for those in transition as it covers all of the in-demand elements - the personal time out to understand who you are and what your talents are to how to successfully interact in the workplace. This online course provides the keys to help you get noticed hunting for your next job. The course is filled with useful advice that any business professional can apply as well, even if you are currently employed. You will take the tips provided in the book to review resumes and candidates when hiring..... In the competitive job market of the world today, those seeking employment WILL benefit from the titbits and advice provided in every chapter. You will be continually amazed at this courses ability to point out the small details that will make one stand out from the crowd and make a huge difference for jobs seekers. In this time of high unemployment this is a very timely course. There are a multitude of people that are out of work looking for jobs and this course will provide you the extra edge that they need to land the job of their dreams in the midst of record unemployment . Even in tough times there are jobs being filled every day....If you study, underline, highlight this advice you will land that job. The real meat of this course is just what it says: Developing and Improving your value! It really makes you think and gives you a whole new perspective on the subject.
                  The final course aims to build learners’ confidence and adaptability when communicating in cross-cultural environments as they assume leadership responsibility to communicate influence in persuasive workplace contexts. The course focuses on enhancing learners’ professional persona for skilful engagement and intercultural communication with stakeholders within and beyond the organization, including cross-departmental work teams, clients and external partners. Learners will also discover and apply good practices in organising information, using visual aids and body language for presentations while demonstrating a heightened sense of cultural sensitivity in a given context. In all, learners will acquire skills to demonstrate persuasive verbal and intercultural communication in workplace contexts which may include dialogues and presentations to critical stakeholders and effective task delegation to team members. At the end of this course, learners will be able to: - Analyse factors of motivation among workplace counterparts. - Recognise the impact of culture on factors of motivation. - Critique and craft persuasive verbal communication products (i.e. script of dialogue) for exchanges with work teams and critical stakeholders. - Apply principles of effective PowerPoint slide design with consideration for cultural sensitivity. - Identify and adopt strategies on the use of voice and body language for engaging presentations.
                    No matter the professional level, we can all benefit from learning how to succeed in our careers. Whether a well-seasoned professional, a management trainee, or a service level employee, this course will help you enrich your career by honing your professional behavior and networking. Through industry expert support and resources, this course is designed to prepare you for success in any chosen career. You will develop the habits and attitudes you need to perform effectively in the job market. You will identify a mentor to add value to your career. You will analyze your relationships and develop a practical approach for engaging your LinkedIn network. You will differentiate between networking and networking with intention. You will also discover the most effective ways to ask for help from your peer or professional group. Finally, you will evaluate the best methods of adjusting your career path at various stages of life.